with Zach Bell & Elyse Lee

Date: 10 February 2024
19:00 - 22:00 CET | 10:00 - 13:00 PT | 13:00 - 16:00 ET

Today, we have unprecedented access to information, knowledge, and culture— to all of the traditions, writings, rituals, ways of life, practices, dress, theories, ceremonies, and rites of passage of all the world's tribes, mystery schools, mystics indigenous tribes with little written, and traditional religious communities with a breadth of canonical texts.

This access has never been at the scale it is today— leading to millions of people overwhelmed with options. Design Your Practice is an offering.

A three-hour virtual workshop to help you as you learn, design, and build your own modern life practice.
Today, the menu to choose rituals, practices, and ceremonies is infinite as well as ancient.
This workshop will be an educational and collaborative design process where we will cover history, and current times, and provide a template to work through for life’s rites of passage, seasonal rituals, ceremonies, and practices for your unique life.  


  • Leave the workshop with a tangible modern life practice template to build off of

  • Direct access to our individualized Guide program (off the Waitlist)

  • Access to the namūna community and its growing resources (including Library of rituals, wisdom traditions, ceremonies, and practices)

  • Video recording of the workshop

namūna is a home for individuals cultivating spirit, community, and a more profound way of living. Designed for those who identify as “spiritual but not religious,” we provide resources, guidance, gatherings, and a community to design your personal, unique practice. You can learn more about us here on Instagram, our website, and our newsletter.

Zach Bell

Your speakers

Zach Bell is an entrepreneur, community builder, and philosopher who has studied and actively built community around this culture for 20+ years. Most notably, he is the founder of Return, in partnership with the Esalen Institute, where he’s hosted 50+ experimental salons on topics that range from Religion of No Religion to Post National Identity. He is currently writing his first book, “Not the Only One,” on this subject.

Elyse Lee

Elyse Lee brings 10+ years of experience advising philanthropists, nonprofits, and research institutions on evaluating social impact. She most recently led the impact measurement initiative at Stanford University’s Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, and currently serves as the Executive Director of namūna. She is a student of the Vipassana and Cha Dao traditions.

Course Logistics

Timing: 10 February 2024

3 Hours immersive

19:00 - 22:00 CET | 10:00 - 13:00 PT | 13:00 - 16:00 ET


(use code PAUA for 20% off)

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